Thursday, 3 April 2014

Have you seen TK Maxx's "My Style My Size" campaign?

I was doing some research at work yesterday looking at online retailers and was delighted to discover TK Maxx have their stuff online. Working in e-commerce and website design I always pay attention to what's on the homepage and calls to action prompted by retailers for their customers. But I thought their choice of "My Style My Size" was a bit odd. I'm assuming it's based on shopper research and how their customers browse by size, but I feel that it conflicts with their other super positive something-for-everyone be-unique-and-individual image. Although I get it's still promoting clothes for all shapes and sizes, plus the phrasing personalises the shopping experience, but I feel like it's forcing me to pigeonhole myself by what size I am, and why should I be defined by my size? Who says that the pieces that are in my size are my style? Why isn't there a one size option, surely it's more satisfying to browse what you like than what will fit? I'm just seeing "this is what fits you, this is what you have to buy." And obviously I understand you're only going to buy something if it fits you, but you can take inspiration from things you like that don't! This prominent size restricting browsing is also only implemented to Women's Clothing too?! Are men less likely to browse by size? I liked this post I saw the other day on the Nikki Lipstick blog and I'd love to see more "one size" options on websites. This would reassure me that everyone is getting every piece available and won't make me feel restricted by what's on the label.

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