Saturday 12 April 2014

Fading hair with washing up liquid and bicarbonate soda

It works! I guess. The purple I had on my hair was Directions Plum, but I had a Bleach London "Washed Up Mermaid" which I was well keen to use, so I started the lightening process. My technique was to mix some washing up liquid with bicarbonate (baking) soda, get my hair wet and just rub it in. I left it on for half an hour each time I did it, and rinsed it off as normal. It was definitely most effective the first few times I did it, but it really really dries your hair. I use Lush Retread Conditioner and coconut oil on the ends of my hair, so it's just about back to normal. In the end I also ended up using a hair stripper and bleach, but this was a good idea to get most of the purple out.

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