Sunday, 30 March 2014

Mother's Day Cross Stitch

Happy Mother's Day! Mama Buttons enjoys my cross stitches so I made her a "HOME is where the MUM is" one. It was fairly simple to do (always struggle with centering though!) Got the inspiration from Pinterest when browsing mum/ daughter quotes. They're always so horribly naff though, I really hate it when people take these random objective quotes that someone else has anonymously written and layered it over some twatty image and everyone's like ERMAHGERD THAT'S SO ME (classic example, "Keep Calm and..." or Tumblr blogs like justgirlythings, bleugh)

Another classic Mother's Day
cross stitch from a few years ago...
still in the kitchen!
ANYWAY, I saw this quote and all that kind of went out the window. I was thinking about just before I moved a couple of weeks ago, I heard a statistic about people having on average 8 houses in their entire lifetime. I'm 26 in July and I'm on my 10th! But none of them have really felt like "home" apart from where my mum lives (to be fair, she's also moved twice in the last 18 months haha) I love my weekly visits back home, even if I do have to sleep on the sofa and listen to my parents bicker about what to watch on TV! Tonight in stead of doing that, we all sat in the living room and chatted and caught my brother Joey in Cologne on FaceTime. My family are my best friends, they make me laugh, they're all different personalities and they're just happy people who are nice to be around!

Me & Mama Buttons
May 2013 (not drunk)
Today I'm thanking my mum for being tolerant. Tolerant of my many stupid hair colours and fashion phases, but still being seen outdoors with me. Tolerant of me having to sleep on the sofa for 2 months when I split up with my boyfriend and didn't have anywhere to live. Tolerant of the daft things that I say and do on a daily basis and still laughing. I've made a lot of bold decisions of the last few years and she has been nothing but supportive of any path I have chosen. I'm not a shining example of the perfect daughter, I don't have a degree or a "proper job" or a mortgage, but she's really proud of me and my 2 brothers. She's happy because we're all happy, and we're all happy because we've been raised happy. And for that I would say she's a pretty amazing mum!

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