Tuesday, 24 July 2012

NEW Personalised Necklaces!

Well well well, it's been a while since we've been on here! We have been mega busy making some cracking new necklaces and getting on it working on Autumn Winter range (which looks SWEET btw, you guys are in for a right treat)
It's now time slap ourselves on the wrist for abandoning our lovely friends and to dust off the bloggy cobwebs. We're coming back with a bang and the fantastic news that you can now buy our gorgeous personalised necklaces IN OUR SHOP!

I KNOW RIGHT?! How awesome?! AND you can get them made WHILE YOU WAIT!
You can also get them online obvz, loads of different designs, colours and you can have pretty much any word you like (apart from supercalifragilisticexpyalydocious, we are dead good at making necklaces, but we're not super human)
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